Monday, February 28, 2011

I'd like to thank...

Kodak Theatre. Red Carpet. Academy Awards. Oscars.

Each year, the Academy Awards (not Valentine's Day) is the highlight of my February. It's such a classy night, and the whole evening represents the essence of glamour: the tuxes, the gowns, the music, the stage, the presenters (well it's hit and miss), even the envelopes, the Oscar itself. All these talented actors, actresses, directors, screenplay writers, costume designers, composers, musicians, come together to celebrate each other's amazing achievements of the year. Aside from occasional red carpet interviews with the latest Hollywood sensations (who was it last year...Miley...Zac...Vanessa...) this night recognizes only the great talent in the film industry. I certainly watch and enjoy my fair share of chick flicks and "fluff" movies, but the Oscars is almost like a breath of fresh air from the endless crowding of movies that now open in handfuls nearly every weekend.

Maybe I should confess that I am not a huge film buff, so I still haven't seen some of the Best Picture nominees (The King's Speech is next on my list, though!), but I think you can still recognize great art even when you just get a glimpse of it.

I haven't seen many movies that really make me emotional...and the ones that have are all pretty different. They range from Life is Beautiful to We Are Marshall (a football movie that makes me tear up...I can't explain it)...Gone With the Wind to The Blind Side. So, knowing this about myself, you would be surprised about how easily watching the Oscars gives me the goosebumps! But in all honesty, watching the opening...the various tributes paid to actors/actresses/directors goneby...the acceptance speeches...the all gets to me! It's sounds kind of ironic, seeing as this is the biggest night in all of Hollywood, but I think watching all these people accept their awards allows you to see a very real side of who they are--despite how small those moments are. The truly talented people aren't usually found in the tabloids, but endless rumors and pictures still circulate of most of them. This definitely conditions me to an idea of all these big-name people as superstars...something bigger than I am...but when you listen to their speeches, hearing who they thank in front of millions of people, they sound a little more like you and me!

To list my Top 5 from last night:

1. Sandra Bullock--she is always beautiful, classy, graceful, witty--she is who needs to be the next Oscar host.

2. Colin Firth--I can't believe this was his first Oscar! He is one talented man.

3. David Seidler--original screenplay for The King's Speech--"My father always said to me, I would be a late bloomer. I believe I am the oldest person to win this particular award...I accept this on behalf of all the stutterers throughout the world. We have a voice, we have been heard.

4. Tom Hooper--directing for The King's Speech--talking to his mom he said, "with this tonight, I honor you, and the moral of the story is listen to your mother." :)

5. Aaron Sorkin--adapted screenplay for The Social Network--talking to his daughter: "Roxy Sorkin, your father just won the Academy Award, I'm going to have to insist on some respect from your guinea pig." (my sister recently got a pet guinea pig, so this made us all chuckle a little) :)

Besides Melissa Leo's unfortunate slip-up during her acceptance speech (not classy in the least bit, my friend), a mediocre hosting job by James Franco and Anne Hathaway, an okay mix of presenters, and some interesting fashion choices (as always)..

it was an enjoyable night!

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