Thursday, August 12, 2010

So. It's the final countdown. Dun dun dun!

Hey guys! So it has been FOREVER since I've updated y'all on the happenings of missshelbyanne, so I am here to make up for lost time. So many things have gone down since I last wrote!

Let's start off with, I leave for college 1 week from today. Scary much? I think so. But am I ready much? I most definitely think so.
Since last time, my dear, wonderful, amazing friend Daniel Rabanales left on his mission to the El Salvador San Salvador West/Belize mission. It was a wonderful farewell, and I definitely miss him, but he is exactly where he should be. This is such an exciting thing for him! He will be an AMAZING missionary. Daniel is the very first missionary I have known to leave where I have been directly connected to him through my own friendship, not through other friends or acquaintances. That aspect of his leaving reminded me yet again that I'm not a little kid anymore. I'm so happy for Daniel and am really proud of him. :) It's also been a lot of fun writing to him!
Remember how last time I went on and on about my obsession with to-do lists? There's a reason for that obsession, because I've actually done just about everything I had on that list!
I have:
had the AC fixed in the Mini Cooper. I no longer sweat profusely after 10 minutes in the car, and am happy to give people rides again! I felt bad making passengers suffer through the sweating with me.
obtained most of my stuff for my BYU dorm room. :) I must say I think it will be quite a cute little pad. I've also been having fun being arts and crafts-y lately making bulletin boards and room decor these past few days.
bought my ALL-SPORTS PASS!!! AH!!! So stoked.
A JOB!!!
I believe that needed extra emphasis, because I'm so unbelievably happy things worked out with finding a job so quickly! I sent in my first application a week ago from today, and today I got a job offer! It was only the 4th job I had applied for too! So starting this fall, look for me at Lavell Edwards Stadium, seeing as I am a new member of the Event Staff for BYU football games. In my opinion, best. job. ever. At least up until now in my life.
....I got braces....
I don't really want to elaborate. It's not the best news in the world. They should be done with in a year, but hopefully sooner. Cross your fingers for me!

I'm getting nervous for college. I hope I can handle all the change and the new environment. I hope that I make lots of new friends, but I also really hope I can stay close to all my other friends. I hope that my RA doesn't "report" me or whatever on dress code issues. I hope my mom doesn't pack up my room. She said she wouldn't :) I hope that I take lots of risks and let myself be adventurous! I hope that I try as many new things as I possibly can. I hope I don't complain about hard situations and such, even though I might, just because everyone says college years are some of the best and most exciting years of your life. I don't want to waste time complaining; I want to enjoy every part of this next stage of my life.
I can't believe I will soon officially be a BYU COUGAR!!!! Well, technically, I am since I have my ID card! haha
But really, this event has been 18 years in the making, and I am STOKED.
If you ever visit, I should be relatively easy to find. I'll be the hysterical, die hard BYU student/superfan.
Ya gotta love it! That's the only way to look past it's weird caffeine and dress code issues and laugh. :)

I promise I'll write back soon.
bye peeps :)