Thursday, August 12, 2010

So. It's the final countdown. Dun dun dun!

Hey guys! So it has been FOREVER since I've updated y'all on the happenings of missshelbyanne, so I am here to make up for lost time. So many things have gone down since I last wrote!

Let's start off with, I leave for college 1 week from today. Scary much? I think so. But am I ready much? I most definitely think so.
Since last time, my dear, wonderful, amazing friend Daniel Rabanales left on his mission to the El Salvador San Salvador West/Belize mission. It was a wonderful farewell, and I definitely miss him, but he is exactly where he should be. This is such an exciting thing for him! He will be an AMAZING missionary. Daniel is the very first missionary I have known to leave where I have been directly connected to him through my own friendship, not through other friends or acquaintances. That aspect of his leaving reminded me yet again that I'm not a little kid anymore. I'm so happy for Daniel and am really proud of him. :) It's also been a lot of fun writing to him!
Remember how last time I went on and on about my obsession with to-do lists? There's a reason for that obsession, because I've actually done just about everything I had on that list!
I have:
had the AC fixed in the Mini Cooper. I no longer sweat profusely after 10 minutes in the car, and am happy to give people rides again! I felt bad making passengers suffer through the sweating with me.
obtained most of my stuff for my BYU dorm room. :) I must say I think it will be quite a cute little pad. I've also been having fun being arts and crafts-y lately making bulletin boards and room decor these past few days.
bought my ALL-SPORTS PASS!!! AH!!! So stoked.
A JOB!!!
I believe that needed extra emphasis, because I'm so unbelievably happy things worked out with finding a job so quickly! I sent in my first application a week ago from today, and today I got a job offer! It was only the 4th job I had applied for too! So starting this fall, look for me at Lavell Edwards Stadium, seeing as I am a new member of the Event Staff for BYU football games. In my opinion, best. job. ever. At least up until now in my life.
....I got braces....
I don't really want to elaborate. It's not the best news in the world. They should be done with in a year, but hopefully sooner. Cross your fingers for me!

I'm getting nervous for college. I hope I can handle all the change and the new environment. I hope that I make lots of new friends, but I also really hope I can stay close to all my other friends. I hope that my RA doesn't "report" me or whatever on dress code issues. I hope my mom doesn't pack up my room. She said she wouldn't :) I hope that I take lots of risks and let myself be adventurous! I hope that I try as many new things as I possibly can. I hope I don't complain about hard situations and such, even though I might, just because everyone says college years are some of the best and most exciting years of your life. I don't want to waste time complaining; I want to enjoy every part of this next stage of my life.
I can't believe I will soon officially be a BYU COUGAR!!!! Well, technically, I am since I have my ID card! haha
But really, this event has been 18 years in the making, and I am STOKED.
If you ever visit, I should be relatively easy to find. I'll be the hysterical, die hard BYU student/superfan.
Ya gotta love it! That's the only way to look past it's weird caffeine and dress code issues and laugh. :)

I promise I'll write back soon.
bye peeps :)

Sunday, July 18, 2010

An ode to To-Do lists.

hi y'all! how are ya?

So my summer isn't exactly winding down (well it sort of is), but it's getting to that point where it feels like I have (or I wish I had) a lot more time left than I actually do. Tomorrow I hit the one month mark of having exactly one month until I go down to school which is freaky to think about! And between now and then, so much needs to be accomplished, but there's also so much that I would like to do with my friends! Who knows where we will all be next summer, and a ton of guys will be gone or leaving on missions!!

At this point in time is when I tend to fall easily into panic attacks about getting everything done, despite my best efforts to stay calm. So what do I resort to?? A most wonderful thing known as....a To-Do List!!!! I can tell already how thrilled you are.

If you are not familiar with the calming powers of to-do lists, I urge you to experiment with it and try it at home. Don't you want to experience that wonderful feeling of checking everything off and throwing that little piece of paper in the trash? And then what happens? You start all over again! This is intense, I know.

I will now give you a near-perfect example of how your to-do list should look (or maybe I just really need to write mine down since I haven't done that yet...)

Shelby's Pre-College To-Do List
  • buy/obtain everything that will be needed to furnish dorm room
  • buy my ALL SPORTS PASS! may not seem all that important, but it's at the top of my list...
  • create a resume...start applying for on-campus jobs in August
  • need a laptop/printer!
  • have orthodontist fix teeth and broken retainer
  • attend family reunion
  • read some books ;)
  • prepare for orchestra audition!?! ah!!!
  • finish my Personal's a church thing
  • fix broken AC in the Mini Cooper
  • return lots of emails to people that I haven't written back to yet
this could probably go on and on, but my brain is not fully functioning at the moment. but trust me, writing lists is so cathartic. you never know, you might just be missing out on the one thing that's stopping you from keeping your busy life in order!

I do live a slightly more exciting life than just writing lists for myself, I promise!

What's in store for this week? (or the next several...)

1. Watch season finale of True Beauty with crappy television friend. name: wes turner. he's a cool kid :)
As for this TV show, it's a classic, let me tell ya. Check it out on hulu! haha
2. See Inception? Despicable Me?
3. Hang out with LISA BLUTH!!! one of my really close friends from Georgia who's coming out for a visit :)
4. Go to an epic family reunion over the 24th of July. When the Williams clan gets together, we party hard. It can get dangerous. haha

well that was random. and there's even more!

this video is a must see. made by byu students advertising the library, but by doing a parody of the Old Spice commercials.

until next time...enjoy your summertime!

Friday, July 9, 2010

they must be sense of queuing.

hello there blogging peeps. it's been awhile.
I never mentioned anything before I left...I just spent the last two weeks in France!
we were 3 peas in a French pod.

There were SO many things that we did and that happened to us, but I won't bore you with a long and drawn out description..haha.
Instead, I'll try and summarize everything into a few things for each day. Sound good? okay :)

And as always, pictures make everything better :)

Day 1. 06.24.10
  • transported to airport via shuttle (I promise it gets more exciting than this!) with our somewhat overpacked luggage
  • stop at the skyclub, which involves getting individual packets of nutella. word of advice: never pass up an opportunity to eat nutella!
  • we board the plane only to discover...on this 9 1/2 hour flight straight to Paris...there are NO little TVs in the seatbacks! It was a bit of a sad moment for Olivia and me.
Olivia and I were a bit distraught with the TV situation

Day 2. 06.25.10
  • arrived at our Paris apartment on la rue Washington--right off the Champs-Elysees. very awesome. night we did discover that the street never seemed to sleep. from trash men in the middle of the drunks singing in the street after leaving the hookah bar(?) was seldom quiet. It was a way fun apartment none the less. :)
  • first attempt at speaking: ordered a Coke a glass of wine instead? better success to come?..hopefully!
  • jet lagged beyond belief! went to sleep around 5 pm...wide awake by 9! we went to the Eiffel Tower and it looks gorgeous when lit up and all the twinkling lights come on. the base was full of entertaining crowds going crazy about World Cup games and watched an MJ tribute dance group! see for yourself!

Day 3. 06.26.10
  • first day of exploring the city: figuring out Metro stations. started at Notre Dame but closed for gigantic religious service. Latin Quarter. found the coolest bakery ever! so cool you couldn't take pictures of the delicacies! haha. first lunch experience at a Parisian cafe, but not just any cafe--Les Deux Magots! Hemingway's favorite. boat ride on the Seine.
  • was Gay Pride day. as we were on the boat ride, we saw the gigantic parade going through the streets.
  • saw another street dance group! they were demanding tips before they would perform so we donated a euro haha.
  • found Shakespeare and Company! a completely English bookstore. I bought Emma by Jane Austen. i'm attempting to read all of Austen.
  • food is EVERYWHERE in the Latin Quarter! anything and everything you want is there!
  • one last thing, found a French equivalent to Red Mango! everything must be right in the world :)

Day 4. 06.27.10
  • went to church in Paris. it was so completely different from anything in Utah or anywhere in the U.S. it was located in a courtyard behind these giant doors that were totally unmarked. we never would have found it if we hadn't followed people in haha.
  • got to Notre Dame. it's crazy how old that place is and how detailed and intricate every speck of it is!
  • went to Montmartre and walked up to Sacre-Coeur (sacred heart cathedral). artists EVERYWHERE! I think this was my favorite place we visited in Paris. unlike Utah, there aren't many places where you can get a view of the whole city and this was one of them.
  • we ate at what one lady told us is supposedly the oldest cafe in Paris. i'm not sure if that's true...but it was good! one of the best meals we ate! haha my family is not a "food-y" family, so despite being in Paris, we tended to scrounge for food. this cafe was a nice break from that!

Day 5. 06.28.10
  • most random day of the trip! started out planning on going to the Louvre but we walked in through what appeared to be a mall attached to the museum. of course we got distracted, so by the time we had to decide whether to see the museum or not...well we were tired, both my mom and I had already seen it, Liv probably wasn't old enough to enjoy it we left and went out to the Tuileries gardens. I know, it's quite lame and a bit embarassing, but we enjoyed ourselves!
  • btw, the fanciest bathrooms I've ever seen in the Louvre! it's a business! you have to pay, and there are all sorts of souvenir stuff you can buy...from the toilet! intriguing i know haha.
  • posed with the statues.
  • found a little carnival that was going on and took a ride on the Air Swings! rather refreshing :)
  • went to the Marais district and did some shopping. it used to be the Jewish district of Paris.

you are looking at some mighty fine array of colored toilet paper. take your pick!

Day 6. 06.29.10
  • one word here: VERSAILLES.
  • favorite part of the Paris area, hands down.
  • it is incredible! especially the gardens. the whole idea of Marie Antoinette's fake farm village is totally crazy, but it's very quaint!
  • Marie Antoinette's own miniature palace, the Petit Trianon, was actually my favorite palace on the grounds.
  • the title of this post actually comes from this day. a British couple was behind us while we were in line for tickets, and all these people were just cutting the line. we noticed it before on our trip that there seemed to be no sense of order for things like this, so it was quite humorous that other people noticed and felt the same way!

Day 7. 06.30.10
  • last day in Paris. by this point we were definitely ready to be done with the city and move on to the quieter and less crowded countryside.
  • went "shopping" at Les Galleries Lafayette and Printemps, 2 gigantic department stores with ONLY high fashion designer items for sale. I wouldn't be surprised if the least expensive item in either of these places was around 2oo or 300 euro. insane.
  • we didn't buy anything. haha :)
  • went up the Eiffel Tower but only went up halfway because of congestion :(

yeah, we pose with underwear mannequins with hundreds of people watching. we're just cool like that :)
eating lunch on the ground outside the fancy schmancy stores

Day 8. 07.01.10
  • driving to Normandy in the North!
  • stayed in a little town called Bayeux--where the William the Conqueror tapestry is kept
  • cutest place ever. :) need I say more? plus I'm getting tired and trying to make these shorter...haha

Day 9. 07.02.10
  • Normandy WWII sites. Omaha Beach. American cemetery. Le Point du Hoc. St. Mere Eglise. Beautiful, incredible, inspiring. The USA is pretty amazing.

Day 10. 07.03.10
  • rather unexciting day. travel day back to Paris. return rental car. take TGV train south to Nice. 6 hours on a train causes insanity and the other people in the car to think you're a FREAK! I guess it's okay though, I tend to be one of those every now and then. haha :)

what a candid photo looks like after waking up from an incredibly uncomfortable nap

Day 11. 07.04.10
  • happy 4th of july! unfortunately we had no celebrations :(
  • first day in Nice! beach city! hot! humid! the mediterranean! a beach that was literally all sand whatsoever.
  • went through the flower market! mmmm...smelled so good. ate the best olives of my life. of course there is always good ice cream to be found.
  • went to the beach! definitely hard to get used to walking on the pebbles, but we semi-adjusted to it. haha
  • we found the best breakfast place in Nice! smoothies and chocolate chip muffins--some of my faves.

totally made out of marzipan!
Day 12. 07.05.10
  • went to Monte Carlo, Monaco (its own country!)
  • Monaco is only 2 1/2 miles long and 900 yards wide, yet they have not one, but 2 Prada stores in that space. along with every other major name you can think of. gucci. valentino. hermes. cartier. chanel. louis vuitton. it was neverending.
  • we found a sit-down Haagen Daaz place with all these fancy desserts on the menu, but you couldn't order half of them! they were all out of fresh fruit and some of their base ice creams like cookies n' cream, so we just resorted to normal scoops. look at the picture to see their definition of ice cream served in a cone...haha.

the all-famous james bond monte carlo casino

i'll have a cone, please?

our favorite "nature" chips! haha

Day 13. 07.06.10
  • My sis Olivia was sick. some sort of stomach bug. :( we spent the whole day in the hotel room, but didn't go crazy! haha
  • watched Fashion TV for most of the day since it was the only English channel. read. wandered. managed to find an internet connection and succumbed to the temptation of facebook.
  • basically, we figured out that most runway clothing is quite ugly. it was quite informative.

what happens to you after a full day in a small, enclosed space

sick olivia :(
Day 14. 07.07.10
  • last day in Nice. went to a little town close to Nice called Eze. dates back to the medieval era. went on a tour of the town's perfume factory, Fragonard, that makes perfumes that go all over the world! got to test some and take some home :)
  • traveled back to Paris on the TGV. that train ride is so long. there's nothing else to say about that.

our favorite breakfast stop!

waiting in the Nice train station with NO air conditioning

Day 14. 07.08.10.
  • took a plane to utah! home sweet home :)
  • the night before we were given the hotel was awesome! biggest hotel room i've ever stayed in!

well, that kind of took me FOREVER. but hopefully y'all will enjoy it!

miss shelby anne is back though, safe and sound! :)

bye for now! :)

Saturday, June 19, 2010

so...growing up?

We are grown-ups now??? :) I love you Jenna

hey there friends. :)

So I'm starting to get more and more apprehensive about this whole college thing that's coming up in a few months (I'm going down early on August 19 for an Early Summer Honors program...hopefully its fun experience! intellectually stimulating and all that jazz), and I feel absolutely nowhere near ready to become a full-blown adult! It's not possible that I'm actually 18 years old--I can vote, I no longer need parent signatures for anything, and I could join the army too, couldn't I? It's just strange.
I mean, I know I've grown up a lot over the course of high school and become more emotionally mature and such, but often times I feel the same as I did as a 14 or 15 year old. Except for that I can drive, and I would not want to revert back to not having a license! haha. But is that completely insane? I don't think so. When I go out to places like snow shacks and movie theaters and just out and about and see these groups of teenagers, it's weird for me to think that I am most likely older than all of them. But I still look at them and stay out of their way as if they were the older kids, the ones at the top of the stack.

I've thought about this quite a bit just since graduation and everything, but also, I went to LAGOON (an amusement park) yesterday, and then today I saw Toy Story 3 (which by the way is a definite must-see. my eyes definitely got misty. so go to the theater as soon as possible and see for yourself.).

Lagoon was an absolute blast. My 8 year old sister got so excited to go on so many of the rides, even though we freaked her out at the beginning by taking her on this Jetstar rollercoaster. I have so many memories of going to Lagoon every summer as a kid and always getting to bring a friend with me..going on the rollercoasters for the first time..getting ice cream..and all that fun stuff. This time, however, it was just me, my sister, and my mom, and it was one of the first times where I've felt like an adult. It was strange. As a kid at amusement parks, you get excited because you are excited. The parents are having fun too, but a lot of their fun I think comes from watching their kids have fun and get excited. I still had a really good time! There's no doubt about that; I just experienced in a more adult way for the first time. Hopefully you sort of understand what I'm trying to get at. For example, I went on this huge rollercoaster called the Colossus for my first time. I hadn't gone on it up to this point because it has these two gigantic loops, which just the sight of used to terrify me! But I went on it, wasn't really nervous at all, but I was trying to make myself feel more nervous, and then did it! It was that easy! I was not scared at all, and since you may not know, I'm absolutely NOT a rollercoaster person. It takes a lot of convincing. It just made me feel a little less like a kid, by feeling so calm about it.
One of the reasons I absolutely love places like Lagoon is because they are heaven for people watching! Despite what I said earlier, people of every age sort of become kids again at these places! Going on all the rides, eating cotton candy and ice cream and amusement park food, getting excited about the littlest things. I love it!!

Okay, now about Toy Story 3. I won't go on for too long about it :) It was so cute. Pixar has triumphed yet again! I am amazed by their creativity because I have loved every single movie they have made, plus the little shorts that come at the beginning of all of them. It hit pretty close to home, with Andy going off to college and all, and that's probably why I got hit with another wave of nostalgia and melancholy. These waves have come and gone since a couple of weeks before graduation. One day I can't wait to get out to be semi-on my own and living in a dorm and being with friends so often, the next I just want stay and hang around, watch movies, and go on walks and stuff with my sis and mom and dad.

All in all, I think I'll be okay. :) All I've got to do is take things one step at a time, and not stress too much about long term things. That's probably part of my problem of worrying too much.
AND, there are still many "firsts" which I have yet to check off of my list--despite having graduated from high school--so I think there's still some time left to finish my growing up. :)

I will do my best to not make all of my posts this long, so bear with me!
Until then...
be happy