Meet my clan.

I'd like to introduce y'all to the Williams' clan.

1 mom + 1 dad + 2 crazy girls = us. 

This is my beautiful mother, JaeLynn. (isn't that a cool name!)
My mom is Wonder Woman, because there isn't anything that she can't do! She is: smart. sophisticated. classy. loving. selfless. funny. down to earth.

This beautiful lady has so many talents--she goes out and conquers the business world rockin' her latest stylin' suit, and then comes home, kicks her stilettos off, and relaxes to have a jolly good time with my sister and me. 

My mom, sister, and I are like 3 peas in a pod. If I weren't away at BYU right now, I'm pretty sure we'd  all still be attached at the hip. But despite the 35 mile distance between Provo and Sandy, we stay attached by ear and speedy drives home thanks to a little yellow car (recently named Lil' Coop).

I could never ask for a better mama, or a better best friend. She is always there for me, and I seriously can't even imagine what I would do without her. Love you Mommy!

This is Dad, aka Steve, Stevorino, or Mr. Williams.
My dad is a funny guy. He's musical. silly. quiet. caring. supportive.

My dad is an easy going guy, and he finds the simplest ways to have fun and get out and explore. He is always on the look out for cool things going on around town to go and check out. He definitely indoctrinated me in the ways of jazz music and NPR while I was growing up, because those are the only radio stations he enjoys!

My dad has a knack for teaching, and I was lucky enough to be in his 7th grade English class (yes! I do count myself lucky!) He puts in a lot of effort for his students, and looks for ways to connect with them outside of class.

My dad has always been supportive in whatever interest I have wanted to pursue next, and has never ceased encouraging me to go out and try new things! He knows I will succeed at what I put my mind to. He's an awesome dad, and I love him!

This is the sweetest, cutest, prettiest, funniest 10 year old you will ever meet...
The one and only Olivia!
(I may have a bit of a bias...but only a little)
Olivia, Livvy, Liv, Livia...whatever I call her by, she is the absolute best. I have the coolest little sister, hands down. Funny thing is, before she was born we all thought it would be a little brother joining the mix...but surprise, surprise! We got an Olivia instead of Oliver, and life has only been better since.

Livvy is witty (yes, she is only 10...but she's probably wittier than me). caring. imaginative. intelligent. musically gifted. stylish. tender. sweet.

All you have to do to understand Livvy's sweetness is watch her take care of her pet guinea pig, Buddy, and her dog, Mandy. Oh, and I can't forget about Ashley! Ashley has been a part of our clan for quite a few years now...she joined us after Santa left her under the tree a few Christmases ago. She's one darn cute baby doll.

Despite the 9 1/2 (not 10!) year age difference, my sis and I are best buds. When I'm home, we do just about everything together. Sometimes it seems like we're identical twins. I'll be talking to her and it feels like I'm looking at and talking to a younger version of myself! And I always tell her, you wonder what you'll like when you're older, just look at me!

She puts up with my wierdness, quirks, and silliness better than everyone else, and I love her for it and so much more!

And this is me!
 (don't worry...I don't dress like this all the time...only when I'm feeling especially crazy)
I am: the writer of this blog, trying to make sense of the random adventures that make up life!

You'll hear plenty from me on the rest of this blog, so I'll spare your time and attention here,
but the most important thing you should know about me...

smiling is my favorite!!!! (name that movie)
but really. that basically sums up my philosophy on life:

1. try to be a better person today than you were yesterday.

2. look for something to be thankful for every day, no matter how dreary it may seem!

3. show your family and friends that you love and care for them. don't take them for granted.

4. put yourself out there! pursue your dreams and passions! taking chances can take you somewhere that you haven't even imagined yet.

5. laughing (and smiling) really is the best medicine. just try it.

Life is an adventure, so get out there and start living! (after you read this blog, of course.)

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