Hey there friends.
I know it's been awhile, but I'm back. And really that's all that matters now.
Right off the bat, I should tell you that the main reason I'm finally writing is not out of my own will. It's actually part of my advertising class this semester. However, it'll get me back into the habit of writing! And then, maybe I'll finally take some time to attempt at making my blog at least half as cool-looking as the blogs that I follow.
It's all about new beginnings though, correct? Yes.
Speaking of beginnings, this post is taking me forever to write, because I don't have a clue as to where I should start! Let's see, since we last talked, I have:
1) gone to college and completed one full semester at BYU. check.
2) done well in all of my classes. check.
3) and found myself a job for summer 2011. disneyworld is all that needs to be said. check.
This coming summer is basically as far ahead as I've thought, but I would say finding a summer job already is quite an accomplishment!
advertising. If you had asked me 1 year ago...6 months ago...even 3 months ago...what major I was interested in pursuing, I wouldn't have had the slightest idea of what to tell you. I liked to tell people psychology for awhile, just because I kind of had a slight interest in it...at one point...maybe. Get my drift? Really, come on, I just used that as my go-to answer when all those adults, friends of your parents, neighbors, etc, start asking you about your life plans...before you leave for your freshman year of college!
I have yet to figure out my 4 year graduation plan. The life plan is going to have to wait a bit!
Okay, I was going somewhere with this...advertising!
My only formal introduction to advertising was one part of one lecture during one Comms 101 class. That is all. An advertising professor came and introduced the program and really all I thought was, "I like this. It's neat." Advertising simply intrigues me. Despite my dad's attempts to train me differently, I have always fallen for an endless array of toys, movies, games, and whatever else has hooked me because of their ads. I was the kid who woke up super early every Saturday morning to watch cartoons, and almost as good as the cartoons were all those commercials for cool new toys or snacks for your lunch! Remember those!? And look what I found...
Those commercials were classic, and I fell for every one of them! Each one did its job; they left me wanting that cool new toy or that super sugary cereal.
Unfortunately my parents didn' succomb to the power of these ads as easily.
Despite my intrigue and fascination with this field, I am stepping into unfamiliar territory with this advertising class. It's not anything I've learned before, so I have no background. I don't know that I'll be "good" at it...or get a "good grade"...(because we all know that's what really matters in the big scheme of things), but I'm trying something new. Something that interests me. I can't say that I have a passion for advertising or anything of that sort...yet. That's still up in the air, but I am finally starting somewhere! I'm starting to figure out where I'm taking my life...or where it's taking me...
One ad class at a time.
In the spirit of advertising, I'll leave you with one of my favorite ads. I'm sure almost everyone is familiar with it, but I just think it's genius. Enjoy!